Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Myanmar Case Study Reflection

These videos have made me realize the horrible condition that Myanmar is currently in. They are struggling with the rule of the government and it is clear that they have not yet recovered from their previous military rule. The military opened fire on unarmed civilians during a protest, proving that the people of Myanmar don't have many rights in the country. Myanmar has to face serious changes before it can reach its goal and become a democracy.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Myanmar Video Reflection

After watching the videos on Myanmar, previously Burma, I have begun to realize the real threat of the current situation in that country. It is obvious to me that after the incident in 1988, the government in Myanmar has still not learned their lesson and sided with the people. These public demonstrations are made up of thousands of people, including a large number of Monks, who are peaceful and respected in their communities, yet the military still displays their brutality on these people and others in the open. It appears to me that the government in Myanmar has built the country on pretenses; the capital was built in secret, with the people inhabiting it living a life completely unlike other towns, and the military did their best to destroy all film of the uprisings. The government is now run by the people, but that too is a pretense seeing that it is still backed by the military. Myanmar is still far from democracy, and the world can only hope that it wont take more violence or oppression to reach it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Video Reflection

The videos presented the past situation in Burma while evaluation the progress that has been achieved. The very video highlights an important political figure named Aung San Suu Kyi. She is head of a political party in Myanmar that promotes democracy and civil rights. As head of the political party, she inspires thousands to stand up against authoritarian rule, and her story makes her message even more special. Since she was imprisoned for standing up against military rule, it shows her passion to not give in to the military government but to instead fight for freedom. The second video showed how things in Myanmar have changed over decades. The reformers, who are now middle aged men and women, acknowledge that there has been a lot of progress in the strive for democracy. However, it can be said that there is much more to be done, and their are high hopes for a democratic Burma.

Myanmar Case Study Reflection

These videos are essential to understanding the current situation in Myanmar. Through these videos, I have come to understand that the country is far from Democracy and it is still struggling with previous military rule. Oppression of citizens through violence and massacres occurs and farther causes the citizens to have to adhere to rules. Even Aung San Suu Kyi, a figure dedicated to political freedom, was put in jail for retaliating against military rules and restricting laws. Violence against citizens can be brutal. Some of which include shootings. These actions by the government show that Myanmar could use help to attain political freedom. It also shows that the country will not have political freedom for some time before it finally achieves Democracy.

Video Refection

After watching the BBC New's videos, it is clear that Myanmar is far from a democracy. The people, although have been elected, have little to no say in their government. The government is run by the military and the people's protests and ballots have either been ignored or failed. The protests by the people for some reason reminded me of the protests in China when we learned about "tank man". In both cases the people were shot and there cries for a democracy would appear to be in vain.

Myanmar Video Reflection

After watching the videos about Myanmar, formerly Burma, I have realized that they are far from democracy. It was made evident through the videos that the citizens of Myanmar are far from safe from the government. Another concerning factor is the secrecy of the state. Building an entire city without telling anyone is not what most would expect from a "Democratic Government" It is quite obvious that the Myanmar Government has a lot of work to be done before they can reach their democratic goals.

Myanmar Case Study

The Videos show some of the problems that are lurking in Myanmar. Such as poverty is a main problem in Myanmar. In Naypyidaw most of the poverty is hidden under the surface. Even though it is still under construction. It is ran by a civilian government that is still some what controlled by the generals behind the scenes.

Myanmar Case Study

After watching the given videos, I had gained the knowledge of the situation in Myanmar. Their country is divided between the government and the people. Both wanting different things. The people want democracy and the current government does not want to give ups its little power it may have left and they only way they have to show it is by force. From 1988 till now, their people have wanted nothing more than to be free, and have the rights of freedom, and not to be bothered by oppression. This was clearly shown in crackdown that the people do not hold these rights.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Myanmar Case Study Reflection

These videos have opened my eyes to the current situation in Myanmar (Burma). A nation shrouded by secrecy and authoritarian rule, Myanmar still struggles with democracy since its independence from Britain in 1948. In Myanmar, oppression and lack of free speech and protest was demonstrated quite clearly in the Crackdown video. Unarmed citizens and peaceful monks marched around the streets of Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar. In retaliation, the government fired shots at the protestors and wounded thousands. Although Myanmar's foreign minister to the United Nations claims that restraint was used against the protestors, the video captured by a British journalist proves otherwise. This video, with all of its violence and gore, illustrates quite clearly the fact that human rights in Myanmar are very poor. Although some economic growth has occurred over the past decade, freedom of speech and religion are still practically nonexistent (except for Buddhism, which is accepted). As a whole, much change is necessary before Myanmar can be recognized as a democratic and prosperous state.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Myanmar Case Study Reflection

These videos of Myanmar has alerted me to the fact that this country does not possess the power that it once did, and it still needs time to recover from its former military rule. As shown in the one video, the country used to have a very strict rule, and people were restrained from violent protests. Even the current leader of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, faced consequences including being put in jail for going against the strict rule. Now she wishes only to help the country forget about its past and become a more powerful part of the world.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Myanmar Case Study Reflection

After watching the videos about Myanmar, it became clear to me that this is still a developing country. The people want better for their country but do not how to achieve a better country. For example, in 1988. They struggled for democracy and still didn't achieve it. In my opinion, Myanmar as a country is in a way, "all over the place". Authorities are not taking charge and to the people, violence is the only way of getting what they want, then, they don't get what they want and there is violence in their country with no positive consequence.