Monday, September 30, 2013

Middle East Geography Reflection

Listen to ALL of the comments on the VoiceThread.  Describe the impact of geography of on the history, culture and society of Southwest Asia and North Africa.  Be sure to support your answer with specific examples from the activity and our studies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Geography & Culture of Africa

Characterize the geography and culture of Africa based upon part A of the regional study.  Be sure to include a thesis statement AND specific details to demonstrate completion and understanding of the activity.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

G&D #4 - Issues of Globalization & Development

After watching, taking notes on, and reflecting on one of the videos, post a reflection as a comment to this post.  In your comment, identify the video you chose and a BRIEF statement of WHY you chose this video.  Then, identify any biases/problems with the arguments presented and explain why this issue is something that should be of concern and interest to the global community.

G&D #2 - Ayiti Reflection

Describe your experience in the Ayiti game.  What have you learned from this activity?  What does it tell us about the state of globalization and development?

Monday, September 2, 2013

F.I. - Question 53

To complete question #53 on the "Foundations Investigation," select an article from a PRINT issue of Current History.  Your comment should include the following:

  • Cultural Region (Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, or Latin America)
  • MLA Citation
  • Concise (no more than 5 sentences) summary that includes a clear thesis statement

F.I. - Question 52

To complete question #52 on the "Foundations Investigation," select an article from the PRINT issue of History Today.  Your comment should include the following:
  • Cultural Region (Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania, or Latin America)
  • MLA Citation
  • Concise (no more than 5 sentences) summary that includes a clear thesis statement