Friday, December 20, 2013

Thesis Statement

Galileo Galilei's ideas involving astronomy were so vehemently rejected by the Catholic Church because the church's interpretation of the Catholic holy text conflicted with his findings.

Thesis Statement

The ‘Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’ brought an impression of optimism and superiority to the Islamic society with its introduction of fatalism that captivated the people of the mid-century.

Thesis Statement

The most prominent form of resistance against the Taliban comes from the young women and girls of Afghanistan in the form of education, speaking out against the injustices they face, and in one case, gaining world attention for doing so.   

Thesis Statement

The rights of Saudi Arabian women have proliferated over the contemporary era due to soicopolitical factors ushered in during King Abdullah's rule.

Cambodia Reflection #2

What is the significance of the genocide in Cambodia?  Be sure to explain both how this relates to our studies (ex. imperialism, communism, international diplomacy/interdependence, totalitarianism) and to give specific examples in your response.

Cambodia Reflection #1

What are some of the similarities and differences between the Khmer Rouge rule in Cambodia (1975-1979) and North Korea under the Kim dynasty?  Be sure to give specific examples from class activities.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thesis Statement

The Ukrainian protests have been invoked by Russian Neo-Imperialism and calamitous impoverishment among the Ukrainian masses.   

Essay Thesis Statement

The Protestant Reformation drastically altered England, it caused numerous social, economic, and political changes throughout the country prior to the Puritan Revolution.

HWC Historical Question Thesis: Zack

Perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide, such as Turkey, have lost respect in international relationships while nations tend to show sympathy towards victims of the Armenian Genocide.

Thesis Statement

The Green Revolution refers to the period of time in which Asia developed technological advancements that facilitated agricultural growth and ultimately altered the country's economy, environment, and society.

thesis statement

Christianity grew out of Judaism at the beginning of 6 AD when the formation of the Zealots occurred, Jesus and his followers gained a major upbringing in Christianity and even more so after Jesus’s Death, when his followers claim Jesus has been a resurrected messiah, officially in about 70 CE Christianity was when the second Jerusalem temple fell declaring the split.  

Thesis Statement

Buddhism refutes the refinement of a singular life on earth while Islam denotes one life to reach a utopia beyond earth and their dynamic creates contrasting ways of life.

Thesis Statement

Nathuram Godse was motivated to assassinate Gandhi by a Hindu extremist group, which believed that Gandhi emphasis of nonviolence and influence on Indian politicswere damaging to the country. 

Kyle's Thesis Statement

The tension in the East China Sea between China and Japan continues to grow due to the animosity developed during World War II from invasion, massacres, and the treatment of the Chinese by the Japanese.

Thesis Statement

The Rwandan Genocide escalated in part due to it's lack of strategic importance to the United Nations, the United States, and France.

Thesis Statement

Various international conflicts have contributed to the stark contrasts between North Korea and South Korea including the differences between market systems and social structures in the twenty-first century.

Thesis Statement

Alexander the Great achieved great military success due to his consolidation of major armies, execution of rivals, and inheritance of an already existing thriving kingdom.


Thesis Statement

Nicolaus Copernicus's heliocentric theory gave the western world a modern understanding of physics, nature, and led to the separation of science from church teachings.

Research Essay Thesis Statement

North Korea's negligence and ruthless punishment of its people has caused a stir in the nation itself as well as many of the other countries of East Asia including South Korea, China, Mongolia, and Japan with riots, rebellion, and the will to escape to a place where people can live freely.

Thesis Statement

Malala Yousafzai courageously spoke out about the Taliban's ban on education even though she was aware of the fate that could result from her actions, which showed that the Taliban felt that women should have no power, obtains less freedom, and should face harsh and unjust punishments.

Thesis Statement

Robert Mugabe has maintained power of Zimbabwe by killing off his opponents and people close to them, using the army to intimidate the voters, and tampering with the elections.

Thesis Statement

The world's reaction to the Holocaust was so different from its reaction to the genocide in Rwanda because of the increased amount technology.

Thesis Statement

Prior to the Revolution in 1792; the monarchs of France faced the burden of economic, political, and cultural conflicts.

Thesis Statement

Through his relentless nature, civil disobedience, and verbal inspiration, Mahatma Gandhi attained independence for all of India.
Alexander the Great used the geography, his cavalry, and his strategy to defeat King Porus.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thesis Statement

The Abbasid Caliphate experienced boundless growth in both the sciences and in art, fostered primarily by the dynamic and pervasive leadership of the Empire throughout the Islamic Golden Age.

Thesis Statement

The Cold War, a psychological competition for world domination between the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., lasted for forty-four years and sparked the economies of Ghana and India through the emerging policy of non-alignment, created as a result of the mounting cultural, financial, and martial pressures.

Thesis Statement

Buddhism has about a billion adherents and encompasses countless interpretations of its form as a religion, philosophy, or both; it is conceptualized differently in India, China, and Myanmar based on local needs and competing religions.

Myanmar Reflection

The current conflict between democracy and communism in Myanmar has its roots in the Japanese nationalists that exerted influence over Myanmar and formed a socialist government that eventually evolved into the “Burmese way toward socialism” mentioned in Step 1. From the beginning, there were ethnic groups like the Karens that protested communism in Myanmar, and the government has a history of quieting those who support a democratic government, such as Aung San Suu Kyi. Now, the government is not officially military, but it still has “military backing.” In short, true democracy has yet to settle in Myanmar.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Myanmar Case Study Reflection Reflection

The people of Myanmar are struggling to end the military government and start a free democracy.  There have been protests such as the one in 1988 lead by the '88 Generation Students Group, but most of the protests including this one were ended by harsh military action.  This internal struggle in Myanmar could cause an issue to the global community because with an unstable government, the country cannot properly function and therefore it is difficult for other countries to do business with, travel to, or have any relations with Myanmar.

Myanmar Case Study Reflection

After watching the videos about Myanmar, I have noticed that the country is not able to organize a type of government in which the people are able to decide.  Groups have gotten together in protest trying to fight for a democracy.  Many times the Burmese government uses violence to end these protests, making the cause for a democracy much stronger.  Hopefully, the people and government of Myanmar can someday come together and negotiate with one another instead of using violence and causing more pain and rebellion.


Myanmar is a developing country. It used to be run by the military and called Burma. The old military leaders aren't completely gone though. They still are lurking "behind the scenes." They have started building a museum to commemorate themselves. There are many poverty-stricken people in the capital and the whole  country. They have come a long way in Myanmar and I'm sure they will continue to develop.

Myanmar: On the Road to Democracy?

After watching the videos, reflect on the status of Myanmar.  Specifically, based on the videos what is the current situation in Myanmar and why is this issue of concern to the global community?

Myanmar Case Study Reflection

After watching the four videos about Myanmar, I found that this country is still developing and recovering in many ways from its former military rule. Formerly, the country was called Burma, and had a strict military government that kept any form of protest to a minimum with violence, as seen in the "Crackdown" video. The current leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, was locked up for almost twenty years because she was an activist for democracy and advocated for the removal of the military rule. She was elected in the first democratic election in Myanmar since the beginning of the military rule, and hopes to help the country recover from its devastating past.

Final FCP Reflections & Comments

Thank you for all of your efforts during the Flat Classroom Project.  Please make a final reflection as a comment to this post.  Be sure to include at least one positive comment and at least one suggestion for improvement.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Historical Question

During Alexander the Great's reign, he was successful in many conquests. Was this due to the fact that his army was strong or because his opponents were weak?

Historical Question

How have political and economic developments led to the stark social contrast of North Korea and South Korea?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Essay Question

What was the Green Revolution and how has it impacted the various social groups of South Asia?

Research Essay Question

How and why has the domestication of elephants influenced the history and culture of Asia?

Historical Question

How did Nicolaus Copernicus's heliocentric theory affect Western thought and the scientific community during the scientific revolution?

Research Essay Question

How is the tension in the East China Sea related to the conflict during World War II between China and Japan?

Research Question Essay

Despite being oppressive, how have women fought against the domination of the Taliban?

Research Essay Topic

What was the motivation behind Ghandi's assassination, and how did his death affect India?

Sean's Research Question

What allowed Alexander the Great to become so successful in conquests and what factors helped him?

Research Essay Question

What were some external pressures that the King and Marie Antoinette faced leading up to the French Revolution?

  • economic 
  • political
  • cultural 
How has Robert Mugabe used corruption and intimidation to maintain control in Zimbabwe since 1980's

Kenny's Research Question

How have socioeconomic and geopolitical factors influenced the current social unrest in Ukraine?

Research Essay Question

How did the Protestant Reformation affect England politically, socially, and economically prior the the Protestant Revolution?

Research Essay Question

Why were the world's reaction to the holocaust in the 1940s different to its reaction towards Ethiopian Genocide today?

Research Essay Question

How does the 'Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam' reflect on the perceptions and teachings in the Islamic society?

Research Essay Question

How was Alexander the Great able to defeat King Porus in India?

Research Question

How have women's rights changed in Saudi Arabia over the last 20 years?
How was Gandhi able to gain so much support for Indian independence?

Research Essay

How did Christianity grow out of Judaism in the first century CE and how did Christianity differ at the time?

HWC Historical Essay Question: Zack D

How has the portrayal of the victims and perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide impacted Turkey's international relationships in the last 20 years?

Research Essay Question

Why exactly does North Korea treat their people so poorly and how is it affecting the economies of East Asia?
Research Question: Why is Buddhism interpreted as a religion and a philosophy with respect to several regions in Asia?
What factors led to the lack of international response against the Rwandan Genocide in 1994?

What happens when we die and how do varying religions try to answer this question?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Research Essay Topic

What effect did the leadership of the Abbasid Caliphate have upon the sciences in the Islamic world?

Research Essay Question

How did Malala Yousafzai's punishment show the Taliban's views on women's rights?
How did the Cold War paradigm spark a non-alignment movement, and, specifically, what effect did this have on the developing economies of both India and Ghana?