Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Geography & Culture of Africa

Characterize the geography and culture of Africa based upon part A of the regional study.  Be sure to include a thesis statement AND specific details to demonstrate completion and understanding of the activity.


  1. The geography and culture of Africa are very diverse and are easily distinguishable between each other. For example, the Tuareg are located in the Sahara and are in a vast desert. The Swahili are located on the Swahili Coast and are on the wester coast of Africa. These two groups of people are quite different between each other. For example, the languages that they speak are different. The Tuareg speak Tamasheq while the Swahili speak Bantu laced with Arabic words. The coast and the desert are not even close to similar. The coast offers trade routes while the desert is barren and desolate. These show how Africa is so diverse in culture and geography.

  2. The geography and culture of Africa share a relationship in which the topography of Africa greatly influences the culture of an ethnic group. Most of the major languages in Africa are based of Bantu, an African clicking-language. Every region except for the Rainforest region, which is isolated from the rest of Africa, which has the Baka ethnic group. Additionally, the trade routes, such as the Saharan trade routes run by the Tuareg, shape the cultural diversity through minerals and trading materials. The uses of the land, such as fishing along the Swahili coast, and deforestation in the Rainforest, also contribute to cultural diversity.

  3. The geography and culture of the regions of Africa are intricately linked, but the regions are still very diverse, which shows the variety of environments in the continent. Africa's topography varies greatly, which is apparent when one examines the dunes and rock of the Sahara, the long beaches of the Swahili coast, and the vast rainforest riddled with rivers, most notably the Congo River. The physical features of those regions tend to determine the industries of the people that live there, which can influence language and other cultural elements. For example, the sea trade that is the main industry of the Swahili people connected them to the rest of the world, while the Baka do very little trade and are mostly isolated in the rainforests of Cameroon. Therefore, the cultures of the people in different regions of Africa differ greatly. Language is a good example because the groups that seem to do more trading with other peoples (Tuareg and Swahili) tend to speak more languages, while people like the Baka speak a unique language. Lastly, all of the people of Africa have been affected, especially culturally, by the colonialization and influence of Eurasian countries.

  4. Within the huge continent of Africa, there are many things that are the same and many things that are different throughout the regions. Physical diversity is one of the main things that gives the people of different cultures their unique characteristics. The physical features within the region of which one lives can determine the way they live their lives. It can greatly influence anything from the clothes the people wear to the food that they eat. Another thing that is different between regions is their languages. The Tuaregs of the Sahara speak Tamasheq, Hasau, and French. They speak French because the Sahara is located in northern Africa, close to Europe, and is influenced by European culture. The Baka people that live in the Rainforest region speak their own special language that is incomprehensible to other people. The Baka have their own language because they are located in the forest and are not influenced by other cultures. The Swahili people also have their own language that they made through the mixtures of their culture. Throughout Africa, there are instances cultural syncretism and blends of different backgrounds and they are what make up the cultures we see in the continent today.

  5. The culture and geography of Africa differ due to the different steps of development of each region. Each country speaks a different language; People in the Sahel speak Fulfide, people in the Sahara speak Tamasneq, and people on the Swahili Coast speak Kiswahili. Next, each country practice different customs. For example, the Fulani peoples of the Sahel believe in Palaaku, which is when someone demonstrates the three values of reserve, stoicism, and love of cattle. The Taureg of the Sahel are known as the people of the veil because they believe that the blue veil will protect them from the wind, heat, and banish evil spirits. The people of the Swahili Coast make food using Indian spices and African ingredients. In addition, the Sahara and Sahel do not receive as much precipitation, causing the vegetation to be less abundant than in the Swahili Coast, which acquires anywhere from eleven to sixty inches of rainfall a year.

  6. In Africa there are very diverse regions, such as the Rainforest, Sahara, and the Swahili Coast. Each of these regions have completely different climates, especially the Rainforest and the Sahara. The Tuareg and the Baka are completely different groups of people even though they both are in Africa. The Baka speaks a language that nobody else in the universe can understand and believe in the religion where they thought the rainforest is their parent because it provides them with food and shelter. Conversely, the Tuareg people believe in the religion of Islam, and celebrate the Muslim holidays, this shows that the continent of Africa is very diverse in both culture and in geography.

  7. The evidence in my research shows that the culture of the separate ethnic groups and regions rely on influences from neighboring cultures, although topography and vegetation can vary between different regions or even within one. The northern parts of Africa (the Sahara and the Sahel) and the ethnic groups within them (Arabs, Berbers, Fulani, Tuareg) have elements in their culture such as Islamic beliefs that have been adopted by Middle-Eastern cultures. In comparison, the Xhosa and the Zulu have adopted christian views in Southern Africa. The topography, vegetation, and climate is very different in separate regions, ranging from mostly deserts to craggy mountains or rainforests, and the ethnic groups living on the land use what they have in different ways.

  8. The geography of Africa helped to create the culture that can be found within the various regions. To begin with, each of the different regions that I researched, The Sahara, Ethiopian Highlands, and South Africa all were located in different parts of Africa. The Sahara is located right near the equator, causing a dry, barren climate with well-adapted vegetation, such as doum palm, date palm, and acacia. People in the Sahara speak a variety of different languages, such as Tamasheq, Hausa, Songhay, and French, and Islam is the most commonly practiced religion. The Ethiopian Highlands are located in middle-eastern Africa, and as the name implies, the area contains mostly highlands. However, one of the most common products of today’s generation, coffee, originated in this area. The most common language spoken in the Ethiopian Highlands is Amharic, and the most common religion is Christianity. Finally, Southern Africa is partly covered by deserts and plateaus, but there are also mountains on the east and west side of the region; the most notable mountain is Mount Drakensberg. The most common language is Xhosa, and the most common religion is Christianity influenced by old beliefs. In conclusion, although Africa may seem monotonous, it possess many different, distinguished regions, each with their own geography and culture.

  9. Through regional studies, one can observe how Africa acts like a cultural and geographical melting pot. For example, the topography differs from the the great sahara desert which is the largest desert in world, to the semi arid land of Sahel, and the continent even contains vast rain forests in the Rainforest region. Along with the variety of climates in Africa, comes uneven population distribution. Some regions like the Sahel contain 2.5 people per mile and others like the rainforest region have about 250,000 all together. Furthermore, in these diverse regions culture develops differently. For example, the Turegs that live in the Sahara speak Tamasheq, but in Sahel many people speak French. Additionally, all of the different groups that compose the rainforest region practice differing religions and speak separate languages. In conclusion, through studying the culture and geography of Africa one can state that it is Africa's diversity in culture and geography that single handedly makes it different from any other other continents.

  10. The Ethiopian Highlands, Great Lakes, and Swahili Coast illustrate the diverse culture and geography found within Africa. These three regions exemplify Africa's varied geography with their differing topographies. For example, the Swahili Coast booms with trade due to its proximity to an oceanic trade route; meanwhile, the Ethiopian Highlands have little to no trade due to the mountains that enclose them. Also, the languages spoken vary between the regions as well as the subcultures. For instance, in the region of the Great Lakes, the Baganda and Tutsi speak different languages; Kingarwnada and Luganda. Furthermore, the numerous religions found within these regions illustrate the cultural diversity. The Hutu of the Great Lakes practice Sunni Islam, while the Tutsi are Christian. To summarize, the cultural and geographical diversity of Africa is apparent through the examination of its several regions and the subcultures found within them.

  11. Based on readings and activities, it can be concluded that Africa is composed of diverse landscapes and cultures. All of the regions had unique landscapes. For example, the rainforest has tall trees like Mahogany while the Sahara has little to no vegetation. The landscapes are also marked by different physical features. In the plains of the Serengeti, the land is flat. Meanwhile, the Sahara has ergs, regs, and hamadas which are completely different. The regions also have different religion. The people of the Swahili Coast and the Sahara have adapted Islam while the people of the Serengeti still believe in gods like the Torooret, Ngai, and Enkai. In all, Africa has many different geographies and cultures that are all found on the same continent.

  12. Based on readings and activities, it can be concluded that Africa is composed of diverse landscapes and cultures. All of the regions had unique landscapes. For example, the rainforest has tall trees like Mahogany while the Sahara has little to no vegetation. The landscapes are also marked by different physical features. In the plains of the Serengeti, the land is flat. Meanwhile, the Sahara has ergs, regs, and hamadas which are completely different. The regions also have different religion. The people of the Swahili Coast and the Sahara have adapted Islam while the people of the Serengeti still believe in gods like the Torooret, Ngai, and Enkai. In all, Africa has many different geographies and cultures that are all found on the same continent.

  13. The Sahara, Swahili Coast, and Rain forest all demonstrates the diversity of culture and geography in Africa. Every region has a different geography such as the Sahara which is composed of flat plains and mountain ranges. While the Swahili Coast is is mostly flat, because of its beaches. While the Rain forest is filled with trees. Their many different ethnic groups as well in Africa. The main ethnic group in Sahara is Taureg which is a semi-nomadic group. Swahili Coast's ethnic group are the Swahili which is made up of Arab and Indian culture. Rain forest's main ethnic group is the Baka. They are dependent on the rain forest eco-system. These are just the examples of Africa's diverse culture and regions.

  14. While the vast continent of Africa shares many cultural and geographical features, there is still a wide variety of each. For instance, the topography of each region differs widely. The Sahara boasts the world’s largest desert and a large desert vegetation zone whereas Southern Africa is located on the Kaapvaal craton and has a variety of vegetation zones; the Swahili Coast stretches approximately 1,000 miles and is primarily a coastal forest vegetation zone. These aspects affect history and trade, as the deserts of the Sahara were perfect for Arabs to trade salt with. Southern Africa’s topography and rich resources in the Kaapvaal craton encourage mining while the lush coastline of the Swahili region encouraged overseas trade and Arabic influence over the Gulf of Aden. In addition, both the Swahili Coast and the Sahara were influenced by Arabs coming from the east. While the languages of all three of these regions are Bantu-based, Arabic influences exist in the languages of Swahili and Tamasheq (one language of the Sahara). Southern African languages do not incorporate Arabic syntax partly because of its relative isolation to Eurasia. Likewise, religion in the Sahara and Swahili Coast possess Islamic influence and Sunni Muslims are common in the Swahili Coast. Again, the relatively isolated area of Southern Africa is not as heavily affected by Eurasia, and local animist beliefs such as uQmata, UMvelinqangi, and G//aua prevail. In essence, the diversity of culture is heavily influenced by location whereas the diversity of geography is determined by environmental factors.

  15. The geography and culture of Africa are quite diverse, but they have direct effects on each other. The location of each of the regions will affect their interaction with other groups and it will determine many of the cultural traits. For example, most of the regions in Africa use a language based on Bantu, but the Baka group located in the Rainforest region does not follow this language due to its seclusion from other ethnic groups. Also, due to the location of each region, the type of vegetation will vary as well. The Swahili Coast, for example, is mostly made up of sandy coast lines, with a small strip of fertile land for limited farming. This means that most of their vegetation comes from fishing in the Indian Ocean. Overall, Africa's regions contain many diversities between the geography and culture, and they often times largely affect each other.

  16. Africa is very diverse in it's culture and geography. There are dry, flat, deserts, like the Sahara, mountainous mountain ranges, like the Atlas Mountains, and rainy, vegetation filled rainforests, like where the Baka live. In these different regions, there are diverse cultural groups. There are the Swahili, the Baka, and the Tuareg. All of these groups have similarities, but there are more differences than similarities. Overall, the culture and geography is very diverse.

  17. The biggest thing that I learned from these articles on the different regions of Africa is that location directly effects the culture of the region. For example, the Baka people have developed their own oubangian-related language that is incomprehensible to any other tribe in Africa. The reason that they have developed this unique is because of there secluded location. The one adaptation that they have made to their location is that they have a few words that are similar to the few tribes that live closest to them. If the Baka happen to run into these other tribes that have words similar to the language that these tribe uses so that they can make trades or get help in the rainforest. Additionally, the people who live on the Swahili Coast have developed traditions similar to that of Indian people. They have developed these traditions because the Swahili Coast is located on the Indian Coast which makes their location closer to India than any other African region. The natives to the Swahili Coast have developed traditions similar to Indian traditions such as the spices they use in their cooking. As one can see through these examples, the cultures of the African regions are strongly affected by the region's geographic location.

  18. The regions of Africa are extremely diverse in geography and culture due to the isolation of different peoples. Firstly, the geography of the different African regions is diverse. For example, in the Sahara region, the physical geography mainly consists of a desert with ergs, regs, etc while regions like the Rainforest consist of water falls and a variety of trees. Additionally, religion is usually similar in different regions. The Sahara region people, like the Tuaregs, adopted Islam while the Rainforest region did not have a specific religion. However, they did have spirits such as Komba and Jengi. Lastly, regions like the Swahili Coast adopted Sunni Islam-- a branch off of Islam. Thirdly, language amongst the regions varied. For example, the Sahara tribes mostly speak Tamasheq, a dialect of Berber, the Rainforest region people speak an Oubangian-related language, and the Swahili Coast region people usually speak Kiswahili. All in all, each region has diverse culture and geography that can somewhat be similar, but usually, culture is diverse amoungst each region.

  19. What I learned most about this activity was that the separation of various cultures have a large influence on the diversity of them all. For example the Sahara and Southern Africa. In the Sahara the Tuareg people believe in the religion of Islam, and they celebrate many Muslim traditions and holidays. The Sahara is a vast spread of land that is highly influenced by the Arabic culture. In contrast the Zulu people of Southern Africa have traditions of their own, from beer pots to hair hats. Also in Southern Africa there are many large mineral deposits, housing diamonds,gold, platinum, and asbestos. These two regions are on opposite sides of the continent and they show just how diverse Africa is culturally and geographically.

  20. Culture and geography are related because, according to Jared Diamond, geography is very influential in the develop of a civilization's culture. For example, the Swahili of the Swahili Coast practice Islamic and Muslim religions native to many Arabic nations due to their early trade relationship in the first century B.C. In addition, the Baka tribe of the rainforest speak an individualized language that most surrounding tribes do not understand. This may be from their isolation from other tribes, even though there seems to be no blocking forces in geography.
